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Reporte de Cáritas San Cristóbal acerca de la situación en Chiapas

Reporte de Cáritas San Cristóbal acerca de la situación en Chiapas

19 de septiembre de 2017

El viernes 8 de septiembre por la madrugada, la Secretaría de Gobernación declaró emergencia extraordinaria para 122 municipios del estado de Chiapas, por el sismo de 8.4 grados Richter. El objetivo es liberar recursos del Fonden.


La Coordinación Nacional de Protección Civil de la Secretaría de Gobernación emitió hoy una Declaratoria de Emergencia Extraordinaria para los 122 municipios del estado de Chiapas por la ocurrencia de sismo magnitud 8.4 el día 07 de septiembre a las 11:45.

Con esta acción se activan los recursos del Fondo para la Atención de Emergencias (FONDEN).

A partir de esta Declaratoria, las autoridades del Gobierno estatal, contarán con recursos para atender las necesidades alimenticias, de abrigo y de salud de la población afectada.

Secretaria de Gobernación

Autoridades de Protección Civil de Chiapas informaron que 80 mil 508 casas fueron afectadas por el sismo de 8.2 grados, de las cuales 58 mil 168 tienen daños parciales y 22 mil 340 sufren daño total.

La institución dio a conocer a través de un comunicado que 97 municipios del estado fueron afectados; los daños de mayor intensidad se dieron en los municipios Villa flores, Villa Corzo y Jiquipilas.

PC de Chiapas añadió que se han registrado 3,170 réplicas; no se descarta que se continúen presentando más movimientos telúricos.

La infraestructura educativa tuvo daños en mil 534 escuelas con daño parcial y 86 con daño total; además 71 unidades médicas, 194 edificios públicos, 411 iglesias, 658 comercios, 282 tramos carreteros estatales, 67 puentes dañados, 100 carreteras federales, 92 alimentadoras y 4 puentes federales tuvieron algún grado de daño, detalló.

Agregó que se tienen afectaciones en 15 servicios vitales de electricidad, 50 de agua potable y alcantarillado.

Las autoridades estatales informaron que se tiene el reporte de 16 personas fallecidas y 26 personas lesionadas de los municipios de San Cristóbal, Jiquipilas, Villa Corzo, Pijijiapan, Tonalá, Suchiapa, Villaflores, Chiapa de Corzo y Cintalapa.

México se encuentra en una zona de alta sismicidad debido a la interacción de cinco placas tectónicas: Norteamérica, la de Cocos, la del Pacífico, la de Rivera y del Caribe.

El organismo dependiente del Instituto de Geofísica de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México reporta en promedio la ocurrencia de 40 sismos por día y destaca que Chiapas y Oaxaca son de los estados con mayor sismicidad en el país, cuyo origen se debe al contacto convergente entre las placas Cocos y la Placa de Norteamérica.

Cuando ocurre un sismo de magnitud considerable las rocas que se encuentran cerca de la zona de ruptura sufren un reacomodo, lo que genera una serie de temblores en la zona que reciben el nombre de réplicas.

El número de las réplicas puede variar desde unos cuantos hasta cientos de eventos en los próximos días o semanas de ocurrido el temblor principal.

El Sismológico Nacional recordó que hasta la fecha no se cuenta con técnicas científicas en ninguna parte del mundo que puedan determinar cuándo o dónde ocurrirá un sismo ni su magnitud o efectos en la población.

En ese sentido, hacemos un llamado a la población a estar informados acerca de estos fenómenos naturales será de gran utilidad para mitigar el riesgo sísmico en caso de un evento de este tipo.



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Prolongación Benito Juárez No. 8 Colonia Maestros de México

Entre primera y segunda cerrada Las Carretas.

Sin más, Muchas Gracias por estar atentos a la situación de emergencia en nuestra Diócesis de San Cristóbal de Las Casas.


Norma Julia Medina Sandoval

Dirección ejecutiva

Cáritas de San Cristóbal de Las Casas A.C:



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El sismo del pasado jueves 7 de septiembre ha causado profundas heridas a nuestro estado y su población. Cerca del 80 por ciento de la entidad sufrió algún tipo de daño. Es momento de apoyar a quienes nos necesitan en este momento.
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With the proposal of being organized in a global collaboration network, the First Transnational Encounter of Children and Migrant Youth. Creating ties in defense of our memory, our identity and our territories concluded last July 21 in the Cathedral Square of San Cristobal.

The meeting was organized by Voces Mesoamericanas, one of the NGS supported by Amigos this year.

During three days, migrant children from Mexico, Guatemala and Honduras, and participants from France and Germany worked with great enthusiasm to make a deep participatory analysis of the right to human mobility and its identity as migrants, but also on the right to stay and to the roots. Among other things, they concluded that migration is becoming increasingly dangerous, which means that it is a more profitable business day by day. “We are hurt and angry at these migrations,” they said, “and that is why we want to think about a better way to migrate and defend people who migrate, because it is a right.”

With such approaches, the children and young came to the conclusion that, just as there is a good living within their community cultures, there is also a good migration (which enhances the prospects) and a bad migration (which literally takes our life away). They suggested that a good migration, with information and rights, enhances the heart and the thoughts to improve our communities, schools, roads and hospitals.

“We are saddened to see how the borders get bigger, how our migrant brothers and sisters hurt their feet, are persecuted and mistreated by policemen, coyotes and bosses who abuse them,” said the final statement of the meeting. They announced that their goal is to organize themselves into a network of transnational collaboration that helps to change gender relations, to recover their memory and to live in happiness and with rights to remain in their territories and to migrate without violence. In this sense, they pointed out that:

“We dream of living in a world without violence where borders are places of coexistence and not zones of death and separation; We dream that young people can express themselves freely, without fear of being persecuted or killed …

“We believe that one of the main ways to make these dreams come true is by meeting, getting to know each other and organizing. We also believe that it is important to defend our territories and our cultures, because even if we migrate, we continue to belong to our communities.”

The meeting was closed with a play performed by the migrant boys and girls themselves and a reflection table with the participation of municipal, state and federal officials (responsible for child care programs), representatives of civil society and several of the participants in the event.





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From April to July, Amigos carried out the half-year visits to the twelve projects we are supporting in 2017. Besides observing the progress of each project, the central objective in these visits was to directly dialogue with the teams of each NGO to learn from their own voice the problems they face day by day. What situations have not been resolved, which are new, how can they be solved, what tools do they have to deal with them? These are some of the questions we have talked about with the teams. Their responses, although consistent with the particular context and population they each attend, have something in common: increasing of poverty and violence in all cases. Not surprising but it hurts and deeply worries us. We regrettably corroborate the situation is now more critical than three year ago, when the current operational direction began working. Endemic problems have not been solved and, in contrast, new problems have been added. The situation demands new strategies.

Today, more than ever, the work of Amigos becomes relevant as a facilitator of the processes that the organizations we support lead. But let’s not lose sight of the fact that the main job is carried out by them and the population they work with. Amigos puts its grain of sand into a much larger and more complex task that requires everyone’s effort.

Ana Cristina Vazquez Carpizo, CEO of Amigos, with Mrs. Rita Vázquez and her son Eliber in the kitchen of their house.



Food as a fundamental human right

Food as a fundamental human right

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Food as a fundamental human right

Like all historical processes, human rights have evolved over time, becoming more complex and broader as the recognition of human dignity has spread throughout the world. Thus, according to the historical context in which they appeared, it is possible to speak of fist-generation civil and political rights; second-generation economic, social and cultural rights and third-generation solidarity rights.

Economic, social and cultural rights, known as ESCR, are included in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and their protection is stipulated in the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR) of 1966. These rights are:

  • The right to adequate housing
  • The right to water and sanitation
  • The right to health (social assistance, medical care, social security and health coverage)
  • The right to an adequate education
  • The right to adequate food
  • The right to work (including the right to strike and freedom to choose employment)
  • The right to defend and preserve culture and the access to it
  • The right to a healthy environment

Each right implies an obligation of the State, and other non-state actors, such as companies, to respect and protect it, to fulfill it and to guarantee it. Without the full exercise of ESCR, people’s freedom is restricted, their security is threatened and their exposure to exploitation and social exclusion increases significantly.

Despite the internationally recognized legal framework, at present about 795 million people worldwide lack sufficient and quality food to lead a healthy and active life. That is almost one in nine people on earth. This situation is even more incomprehensible if we consider that so much food has never been produced in history.[1] The problem is not the lack but the access to food. For this reason, at the request of FAO, the right to healthy and nutritious food has been reaffirmed since 1996, in line with the right to adequate food and the fundamental right of everyone to be free from hunger.

In Mexico there are more than 54 million people who still live in poverty and suffer food shortages. As The Hunger Project points out in its 2015 report:

Ending hunger and poverty by 2030 is only possible if we transform existing policies, if we work with ambition to overcome inequality … and we use the latest advances in research and technology to innovate and share best practices. This strategy requires a break in the way of working towards inclusive and fair sustainable development for all.[2]

The stark image of the rural crisis and poverty in Mexico in the second decade of the twenty-first century is clearly expressed in the traditionally poorer entities (Chiapas, Guerrero and Oaxaca), which in 2012 added nearly four million people with hungry.[3]

Faced with this very painful reality, in Amigos de San Cristobal we are proud to support three organizations that are implementing projects to strengthen food sovereignty in various regions of our state:



Harvesting of vegetables in micro-tunnel


PROJECT SUMMARY: To continue the activities for the improvement of maternal and child nutrition in the neighborhood of Las Flores of Ejido Candelaria, municipality of San Cristóbal de Las Casas, through follow-up on the feeding of children. Also, two promoters will be trained in health, weight and height cases; as well as 4 promoters for the production of minor species, horticulture and food processing in preserved fruits and vegetables.


PROJECT SUMMARY: Promotion of nutritional and food education in families of 7 peasant and indigenous communities in Las Margaritas Canadas, the Montebello Lakes area and Border area, in order to improve nutrition and agro-ecological production.

Taller de nutrición en San José Las Palmas, Lagos de Montebello.

 Taller de nutrición en San José Las Palmas, Lagos de Montebello. 


Project Summary: Strengthening of food sovereignty, through the construction of 1 well for water filtration and 1 tank to store it; 1 oven for bread; a laboratory for the production of natural medicines; and breeding of lambs and rabbits.

Taller de elaboración de medicamentos naturales en Nuevo Villa Flores, Frontera Comalapa.





[1] El estado de la inseguridad alimentaria en el mundo, informe de la Organización de las Naciones para la Alimentación y la Agricultura. Información del Programa Mundial de Alimentos de la ONU, 2015.

[2] Reporte anual 2015,  The Hunger Project Mexico.

[3] Daniel Villafuerte Solís, Crisis rural, pobreza y hambre en Chiapas, 2014. Article published on the internet.



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